But the trip paid off
to those that had traveled the longest. Winning the Open Morrison
Trophy was Jacki Little Favor and Rick Lemay ( score 71_) placing
just before himself but this time on Dun IT With Charm (Score
70_), both horses is owned by the Lemays. The winning run was
a really smoth nice run with good spins, and really nice lead
changes, this horse has a way of going that make Reining looks
easy. Charm had a really nice run but did get a little light in
the front during the stops so that held the scores back a bit.
Joakim Pettersson is a guy we have seen for along time but had
not been at the top of placing before, but maybe his lucky charm
has turned because in Norway he had a really good show. Third
on Miss Keyhole Cowboy owned by Monica Andersson and fourth on
Poco Sugarnic owned by Malin Torstensson.
The Limited Open had the same placing as the Open because they
went class in class
The Non Pro was won by the encredible Simon Andersson/Miss Keyhole
Cowboy(score 69_) the horse is owned by Simons mother, Monica
Andersson. He had a nice smoth run with good stops and really
nice leadchanges. Tied second in the class where Maj-Britt Lemay/Dun
It With Charm (score 68_ (owned by Maj-Britt and Rick Lemay) and
Jonas Nicklasson/Plain Justin (Owned by himself). It was the same
placings in Limited Non Pro.
The FEI Class had 8 riders in total and the first ever in Norway
and did qualify on participant to FEI World Reining Masters in
Italy in September. The lucky rider was Lars Östby Deglum who
placed highest of the Norwegian riders. Lars is the Chairman of
the Norwegian Quarter Horse assn as well as the force behind many
of the activities in Norway. His Horse Melodys Smokin Bill is
a quarter horse stallion and is owned by himself.
Winner of the FEI CRI clas in Norway was.
1. Joakim Pettersson/Pocosugarnic/SWE
2. Peter Ljungberg/Mr Gentle Deduction/SWE
3. Joakim Pettersson/QTS Action King
4. Rick Lemay/Little Jacki Favor
4 Anna-Karin Boman/Hollywood Firestar
6 Lars Östby Deglum/Melodys Smokin Bill
7. Roger Sundet/Tyzon Turns King Zero Jonas Nicklasson/Plain Justin